So, this morning was the big meeting. Two teachers (MS. R and Ms. K), school counselor (sc), school psychologist (sp), campus principal and ME!
The sp began the meeting by saying that typically when meetings such as these are called it is about a child she has heard of. Whether through intervention programs, behavior problems, etc... but that she had never heard Will's name until now. She assured me that that was a good thing.
She told me about the various disabilities the schools are required to test for.
She asked the teachers to tell her about Will. We heard a lot about his careless mistakes, lack of paying attention, pension for asking questions already covered, and more. We went over some of his work that he struggled with, why he seemed to struggle with it. She asked the teachers great questions to get a better idea of Will's capabilities.
At one point she asked Ms. R how one of the examples of work compared to her students on IEP's. She asked if it was something she would have given to those students and she said no. They never would have been able to complete that assignment. Will's mistakes were careless errors, not a lack of understanding how to complete the work.
They all agreed that he is typical because there is such a wide range of typical. There are plenty of children that struggle. Will is just very inconsistent. He can have some good weeks/test/assignments and then followed by an N or an F on something. That is the hard part.
We looked at his OAT scores. We looked at his second grade testing, which I was convinced was very mediocre at best. They told me that the scores were very average which was good. Yes, they said good.
Bottom line is that the sp sees no reason to suspect a learning disability. She says we need to meet with his 4th grade teacher very early on in the year and express our concerns with what has been going on with him in 3rd grade. She thinks it is important to get that known up front. The teachers suggest we do some tutoring for Will this summer, which I had already been considering. (I just have to get Dad on board with that one)
The principal asked me if I had filled out the placement evaluation, which I did, in length. That will help the sc make the placement. And, I know the sc well, so I have high hopes for Will's fourth grade teacher. I am sure she will place him with someone that can handle all of this.
I came away feeling good. I don't feel like I have all the answers. I did ask about all this talk of lack of attention and careless mistake making. She suggested we wait until 4th grade and see how the year begins before we go looking into ADHD as a possibility. So I do think we will go into 4th grade on a positive note and with everyone on the same page.