Wow, finally, we are getting somewhere.
I have not posted in months. Not sure why. I guess Will was kind of getting by. Still very inconsistent, though. I've had talks with his teachers and whatnot, but he was getting by. Sort of the story of his last two years of school, really.
Well, this week is changing everything and I couldn't be more excited! Will had a science test last week, on weather. We studied and studied for it. He knew his information. He enjoyed learning this stuff. Cumulus clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds. Barometers. Cold fronts. He took the test on Wednesday and brought it home on Friday.
He got an F.
Not possible I said. I looked through the questions he missed. No way should he have missed them. NO WAY!!!!! He knew all those answers. I made him go over it with me, completely against his will. He did not want to look at it, he didn't care that he got an F, he told me grades don't matter anyway, etc... But, I made him. He knew the right answers. He knew them. We read the questions together. In almost every single case he missed a part of the question and therefore gave the wrong answer. I was sooooo frustrated!
So, I sent an email to Mrs. C, his teacher. I expressed my frustration with this test and his test taking in general. It always seems that he can do the assignments and homework and projects just fine, but when it comes to be tested, on any subject, he fails miserably. Whether it is math, science, reading, social studies. He has trouble taking the tests.
Mrs. C emailed me back and I just wasn't satisfied with it. So I responded to her email and she ended up calling me. We had a great conversation about Will and all of this. We have actually had two phone conversations now and FINALLY... they are going to do some testing. I at last feel a little validated. Momma's instinct! Now, the testing could still show nothing is going on, but I just have a feeling it will.
No more falling through the cracks for Will. No more just getting by. Maybe we will get some answers. Even if the answers are that there is not a problem and he just needs some good study skills developed or whatever. At least we will have ruled some things out!
Hallelujah!!! I am so, so happy!