Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oh boy! Here we go...

So, April 20th I sounded so full of excitement and hope and promise for figuring all this stuff out with Will. It was not to be.

He was given the CELF-4 (can't recall at the moment what that stands for!). He scored a 22 on it and the criterion for a child his age is 18. Great. He did great. Well, to be truthful, he did not do great, but he beat the criterion and therefore did not qualify for anything else from the Speech and Language department at his school.


What makes matters worse is Mrs. C, his teacher, never even followed up with us about it. Nope. And she had ample opportunity to. The last day of school she gave me a hug and told me that if I wanted her to speak to his teachers in 5th grade she would be more than happy to. Great.

So, school ended. Will received a Personal Achievement Award for getting all A's and B's all school year. Great.

I was thrilled and proud of him for receiving that award. But, it just covers up all of his struggles. Once again I feel that he is just falling through the cracks.

So, summer came and now summer is soon going. It is August. I finally, FINALLY, contacted The Affinity Center, which does psychoeducational testing and therapy and treatment. We meet with a psychologist on Monday. Chris, Will and I. I spoke to her on the phone for almost an hour last week and I am excited to meet her and have her meet Will and get this ball rolling.

However, I think our first obstacle to deal with is going to be his anxiety. He is very worried about going to 5th grade. A new school. New teachers, new schedule. New everything. His mantra lately is that he hates school and is very stressed about it. His words. Great.

So, it may be that Will goes in for a session or two with Chris (Dr. Mayhall) before school starts and before we do any testing. We need some strategies to help him deal with the anxiety of the new school.

Then, we will hopefully move into testing. I have been doing lots of reading this summer. Some great books, that I will reference a little bit later. I have also just in the last couple of days been research Executive Function Deficits and believe I have hit the jackpot. Much of what I read describes Will and his issues.

So, I hope to bring that up at our meeting on Monday. I want her to look into that as a possiblity.

Any hoo. Just wanted to update and I plan to do a lot more updating as we get into the nitty gritty of figuring all of this out, once and for all!

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