Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No consistency!

This picture shows about how I am feeling about all this snow! Crazy!

Another snow day today. We got to school both Monday and Tuesday this week, but then for some reason God decided we needed another 10 inches of snow. Ack!

Yesterday was the first day of Will's after school math class. It is an enrichment class taught by a 4th grade teacher. It is a male teacher, which Will has not experienced yet. Will was not very excited about taking this math class, but I convinced him to let me sign him up for it. OK- to be honest, I bribed him into taking it. I don't know if he even remembers that at this point. That was back during Christmas break!

Anyway, with all the excitement of the falling blizzard I didn't really get to hear much about his math class. He told me Mr. R yelled at some of the kids, told them they needed to be listening. He named the kids in the class that he knew. Beyond that I didn't hear much about it.

The description sounded wonderful. It promises he will grow in math confidence and learn to make number sense. So... hopefully we will see some improvement.

In his regular math class they are working on multiplication. Will is really excited about this and seems to be doing fairly well so far with it. We are going to start working on flash cards at home. Third graders are expected to know multiplication facts up to 50 by the end of the year.

With all of this inconsistency I am curious to see how our whole system is going to work with Will. Just as I posted in my last post, it will be interesting with all this time off to see how it comes together.

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